Tuesday 29 May 2012

Cara Reset Bios Acer Aspire 4732Z

Data2 tentang password di laptop terletak di EEPROM, ndak bisa dengan hanya sekedar cabut batere seperti pada mb PC, untuk reset BIOS secara umum bisa dengan menggunakan alat khusus, dengan jalan angkat bios nya terus letakkan di alat khusus itu dan dengan software bisa di backup data biosnya. Trus bgmn kalo ndak punya alatnya, ya bisa saja dengan cara manual.


Ciri - ciri Kerusakan Laptop

Ada beberapa ciri kerusakan pada Laptop yang biasanya kita jumpai. Dengan membuat alur dalam menentukan jenis kerusakan tentunya akan mempermudah untuk memperbaiki kerusakan secara cepat. Apa saja ciri-ciri kerusakan laptop / notebook ?

Biasanya ada beberapa ciri-ciri kerusakan laptop / notebook yang dapat kita jumpai sebagai tahapan awal servis laptop / notebook, yaitu antara lain :

Ciri Kerusakan LCD Laptop / Notebook :

Layar tidak tampil gambar, menyala tapi keluar garis-garis vertikal, tampak blok hitam, dan gambar tidak simetris / acak.
Solusi : coba cek dulu konektor ataupun soket-soket yg berhubungan dengan monitor.

Ciri Kerusakan Keyboard Laptop / Notebook :

Beberapa tuts tidak berfungsi, keluar bunyi beep panjang pada saat laptop dinyalakan, cursor berjalan tidak stabil / bergerak sendiri.
Kerusakan yang lebih parah : biasanya konslet dan ini menyebabkan Laptop / Notebook setelah booting, restart-restart terus.

Ciri Kerusakan Memory Laptop / Notebook :
Pada saat dihidupkan tidak tampak tampilan sama sekali, blue screen pada saat mulai loading Operating System. Bisa juga keluar suara beep berulang-ulang.

Ciri Kerusakan Motherboard / IC regulator Laptop / Notebook :
Dihidupkan agak sulit, batere tidak mau discharge, Mati Total. Indikator charger nyala, setelah dicarge lampu indikator pada charger mati (konslet). Jadi terjadi arus balik pada powernya. Kerusakan ini sering terjadi.

Ciri Kerusakan Charger Laptop / Notebook :
Batere tidak mau di charge, tidak ada indikator masuk power, laptop di charge posisi hidup malah kemudian mati. Layar bergetar tidak stabil.

Ciri Kerusakan DVD / CD room Laptop / Notebook :
Tidak mau membaca CD, indikator CD off.

Ciri Kerusakan Hardisk Laptop / Notebook :
Loading data / System lambat, berbunyi tidak normal, tidak bisa masuk windows, belum sampai login windows sudah restart sendiri.

Ciri Kerusakan Chipset / VGA Laptop / Notebook :
Layar tidak tampil, kalaupun tampil tidak mau akses ke Bios. Ada terdengar suara beep secara beraturan.

Penjelasan di atas merupakan cirri-ciri kerusakan yang sering terjadi pada laptop / notebook secara hardware.

Sedangkan ciri-ciri kerusakan laptop / notebook secara software antara lain :
1. Tidak mau booting ke OS
2. Pada Loading awal desktop banyak informasi error
3. Proses Loading sangat Lambat
4. Tidak bisa membuka Aplikasi
5. Flasdisk Tidak bisa di baca
6. Folder Option pada Explorer Tidak bisa di buka
7. File regedit tidak bisa di eksekusi

Demikian ciri-ciri kerusakan laptop / notebook, dan sebenarnya ini juga berlaku untuk PC biasa atau komputer desktop biasa.

Cara Service Keyboard Laptop / Notebook

Cara Service Keyboard Laptop / Notebook. Kebetulan laptop yang rusak keyboardnya kali ini bermerk HP Compaq. Mari kita simak bersama.

Sebelum ke pembahasan Cara Service Keyboard Laptop / Notebook, kita bahas dulu beberapa penyebab rusaknya keyboard laptop / notebook, yaitu :
1. keyboard terkena air
2. akibat debu
3. akibat lembabnya ruangan.

Kerusakan yang sering terjadi pada keyboard laptop / notebook adalah salah satu tombol keyboard ada yang tidak berfungsi atau malahan keyboard laptop / notebook yang rusak itu bergerak sendiri seperti ada yang menekannya.

Hal tersebut terjadi dikarenakan menempelnya kedua lapisan karbon pada flexyble keyboard (akibat jamur atau kotor) sehingga tombol keyboard dapat menekan sendiri atau bahkan tidak dapat digunakan sama sekali.

Ciri-ciri keyboard rusak adalah terdengar bunyi beep berulang-ulang pada saat laptop dinyalakan.

Berikut ini Cara Service Keyboard Laptop / Notebook :
1. Siapkan cutter kecil yang masih baru (tajam)
2. Tentukan tombol keyboard yang kira-kira bermasalah. Dalam kasus ini tombol tab yang rusak.
3. Ambil tombol keyboard yang rusak tersebut dengan mencongkelnya, dan ambil karet yg ada di bawahnya.
4. Dibawah karet ada 2 lapisan karbon yg berbentuk lingkaran. Robek sepertiga lingkaran dari lapisan karbon tersebut.

5. Bersihkan diantara kedua lapisan karbon tersebut dengan cutter itu, dengan cara menggesek-geseknya, tapi jangan terlalu keras, sekedar hanya menghilangkan kotoran diantara kedua lapisan karbon tersebut. Kalau terlalu keras dikhawatirkan lapisan karbon ikut hilang.
6. Keyboard siap dicoba, dan jika sudah OK, anda dapat memasang kembali karet dan tombol keyboardnya.

Semoga bermanfaat.

You Choose The Which?


NOAA predicts 4-8 Atlantic hurricanes

[Updated at 1:19 p.m. ET] A near-normal Atlantic hurricane season is expected this year, with nine to 15 named storms and four to eight hurricanes, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced Thursday.
Of those four to eight hurricanes, NOAA expects one to three to be major. The Atlantic's six-month season begins June 1, although it got off to an early start this year, with Tropical Storm Alberto moving through the Atlantic off the U.S. East Coast last week.
NOAA also said it predicts a near-normal season for the Eastern Pacific, estimating a 70% chance of 12 to 18 named storms with five to nine hurricanes, of which two to five would be major for that area. The Eastern Pacific's season is May 15 to November 30.
A major hurricane, designated as Category 3 or greater, has winds of well above 100 mph. The weakest hurricanes have top sustained winds of at least 74 mph, and named storms have top winds of at least 39 mph.
NOAA officials said uncertainty over whether the El Nino weather pattern will form made it difficult to be more precise in predicting the Atlantic storm season.
"If (El Nino) develops by late summer to early fall ... conditions could be less conducive for hurricane formation and intensification during the peak months (August to October) of the season, possibly shifting the activity toward the lower end of the predicted range,” said Gerry Bell, lead seasonal hurricane forecaster at NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center.
The forecasts do not predict how many of the storms will reach land.
Thursday's predictions came as a strengthening Hurricane Bud, churning in the Pacific, appeared poised to bring heavy rain to coastal southwestern Mexico.
It is extremely rare for an Eastern Pacific hurricane to affect the U.S. mainland, though some do have an influence on Hawaii.
Tropical Storm Alberto broke up in the Atlantic this week and another tropical depression was causing heavy rainfall in southern Florida, Bell said. However, he said the early storms were no harbinger of a more active season than normal.
For the Atlantic, a normal season would produce 12 named storms, including six hurricanes and three major hurricanes. Last year saw 19 named storms in the Atlantic.
The Eastern Pacific's average season produces 15 named storms, with eight hurricanes and four major hurricanes, according to NOAA.

Romney Surrogate Donald Trump Doubles-Down on Birther Nonsense While Romney Campaign Stays Mum

In an interview with The Daily Beast Friday, real estate mogul and Mitt Romney surrogate Donald Trump doubled-down on his fact-challenged claim that President Obama was not born in the U.S. — a claim that the Romney presidential campaign, currently raffling off a dinner with Trump and Romney to raise money for the campaign, made no effort to condemn.
“A book publisher came out three days ago and said that in his written synopsis of his book, he said he was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia. His mother never spent a day in the hospital,” Trump told The Daily Beast’s Lloyd Grove.
As Grove pointed out, that’s not even an accurate re-telling of the latest birther “evidence,” in which Obama’s literary agency two decades ago published a catalogue of clients that included the false information that he had been born in Kenya. A woman named Miriam Goderich has since come forward and said the error was hers.
“That’s what he told the literary agent,” Trump told Grove. “That’s the way life works… He didn’t know he was running for president, so he told the truth. The literary agent wrote down what he said… He said he was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia… Now they’re saying it was a mistake. Just like his Kenyan grandmother said he was born in Kenya, and she pointed down the road to the hospital, and after people started screaming at her she said, ‘Oh, I mean Hawaii.’ Give me a break.”
One might think, given the ample evidence that the president was born in Hawaii — long-form birth certificate, contemporaneous newspaper accounts — and the ugly side of the zeitgeist that “birther” claims uncover, that the Romney campaign would be quick to distance the candidate from Mr. Trump – especially given how quickly the Romney campaign jumped on the remarks of Democratic activist Hilary Rosen when she seemed to belittle stay-at-home mothers.
One might think that given how much the Romney campaign was quick to demand that then-rival, Texas Governor Rick Perry, distance himself from a pastor who called Mormonism a “cult” – and the concerns of Romney campaign officials that Democrats will attempt to use bigotry against the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Saints against Romney — they would be sensitive to this issue.
But one would be wrong.
In addition to the dinner with Romney and Trump later in June, Romney will appear on Tuesday with Trump at his hotel in Las Vegas. And the campaign made no effort to distance itself from Trump when asked if the association wasn’t “embarrassing” for Romney by CNN’s Gloria Borger on Friday afternoon.
Senior Romney campaign adviser Eric Fehrnstrom said, “I can’t speak for Donald Trump, Gloria, but I can tell you that Mitt Romney accepts that President Obama was born in the United States. He doesn’t view the place of his birth as an issue in this campaign. We have many serious challenges facing this country dealing with jobs and the economy. That’s where we should center our- the discussion. And as I said, you know, Mitt Romney has made it clear that this is not an issue for him.
Fehrnstrom, asked about the campaign’s association with Trump, said, “Well, you know, not too long ago, Jay Carney, the spokesman for the White House made a statement which I think is correct, and that statement was that a candidate can’t be responsible for everything that their supporters say.”
That’s a reference to the “Hoffa Standard,” from Labor Day 2011, when White House press secretary Jay Carney refused to condemn incendiary remarks made by a labor leader attacking members of the Tea Party at an event where the president spoke.
“Donald Trump has become the birther-in-chief,” Obama campain spokesman Ben LaBolt said on MSNBC. “I could put the President’s birth certificate on my forehead and Mr. Trump wouldn’t accept that the President was born here in the United States. And it raises a question that’s come up before during this campaign as to whether Governor Romney will embrace the extreme voices in his party or stand up to them.”
-Jake Tapper